Changing the Residential Sales Search

The Residential Sales Search setting allows you to control how sales searches function when website visitors perform a search.

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Settings, click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Residential Sales Search tab
  4. From here, you can make a series of sales search amendments
    1. You can show the Minimum Price and Maximum Price for properties by selecting from the dropdown menus.
      If you click Edit, you can revise the price intervals which have been set up such as the Start Price and End Price (and Increments) for each range. However, please note that these have been optimised for property portfolios


    2. Order by field and Order by direction allow you to change the default option for how searches are ordered and display
    3. You can restrict what users can search for if you tick Display include checkbox. You can then modify which statuses a website visitor can include and exclude from a search by selecting the various tickboxes

  5. When finished, click Update & Save
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