Using images in a Slideshow

You can select up to a maximum of 10 images to display in a slideshow on your website.

This article includes: 

Adding images to a slideshow

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Settings, click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Slideshow tab
  4. From here, click Add Image. You can select up to a maximum of 10 images
  5. Click Select to browse your computer or network for the image
  6. Select the image that you would like to include and click Open
    (you cannot bulk upload images, they must be selected one at a time)
  7. Add a Title for the image
  8. Add a Description for the image
  9. Tick Enabled and the image will be added to your slideshow immediately
    (If you don't tick Enabled, the image will be saved and not added to your slideshow)
  10. You can now click X to close the screen
  11. Click Update & Save



When adding images, please ensure they follow the below specifications:

  • Accepted formats are .jpg and .png
  • Max Filesize: 800kb
  • Required dimensions of images are dependent on the type of theme. If you have a theme where it's a letterbox slideshow, the required dimensions will be 2000px by 800px (21:9)

Adding Links to images

You can add links to images by adding a URL to any that have been uploaded.

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Settings, click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Slideshow tab
  4. From here, click Edit below the relevant image you wish to hyperlink
  5. In the Link field, add the web address (internally within your page or externally if required)
  6. Select whether the image needs to open in the Same window or a New window
  7. You can now click X to close the screen
  8. Click Update & Save


Re-order images in a Slideshow

Once you have added the images that you would like to display in your slideshow, you're able to reorder them.

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Settings, click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Slideshow tab
  4. From here, move your cursor over the image until you see a cross. Click, hold, and drag and drop the image to the desired location
  5. When you're happy with the order, click Update & Save


Removing images from a Slideshow

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Settings, click Edit Settings
  3. Click the Slideshow tab
  4. From here, click Tag For Deletion below the image you want to remove. The words will turn red
  5. Click Update & Save
  6. A dialogue box will inform you that the image has been successfully removed


Related articles:

Adding or changing a webpage image

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