You can easily add to or edit any webpage text throughout your website.
- Log into EstateWeb
- Within Pages, click Edit Pages
- The first tab, Web Pages, displays. You can either edit it in Tile View or Tree View; Tile View shows all web pages, whereas, Tree View shows the structure of the website
- From here, you can select the webpage that you wish to edit. If you hover your mouse over a webpage, you'll see Right click here to add, edit or delete menu items or pages. Right click on the relevant page, click Edit, and then click Page
- Click the Content tab
- Select the page region (Text) you want to edit from the dropdown menu
- You can now edit your text in the text box, applying formatting as required (hyperlinks, bullets, numbers). There are also pre-set Headings and Paragraph Style text that you can use
To avoid any formatting issues, we advise that you don't copy and paste text from a Word document. Either free type the text into the text box, or, copy and paste the text into Notepad before you paste it into the text box
- When you've finished editing, click Save And Close