Adding or changing a webpage image

You can easily add or edit any webpage images throughout your website.

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Pages, click Edit Pages
  3. The first tab, Web Pages, displays. You can either edit it in Tile View or Tree View; Tile View shows all web pages, whereas, Tree View shows the structure of the website
  4. From here, you can select the webpage that you wish to edit. If you hover your mouse over a webpage, you'll see Right click here to add, edit or delete menu items or pages. Right click on the relevant page, click Edit, and then click Page
  5. Click the Content tab
  6. Select the page region (Image) you want to edit from the dropdown menu
    1. If you click Add Link, you can hyperlink the image to another internal web page (another page on your website), to an external website or webpage, or to an anchor in this webpage (if you have a long webpage and click the image, it will take you to a specific area on the page).
      You'll have the option to either select one of the Web pages, or enter an external URL, before configuring the Settings (open in a new browser window). Click Save
    2. You can change the Alignment of the image via the dropdown
    3. You can add Alt text for accessibility
  7. Click the Edit icon in the bottom corner of the image
  8. The Image Manager opens. You can either upload a new image to your website library from your computer, or, select an existing image
    1. To upload an image from your computer, click Upload Image from Computer, then click Choose file to browse your computer or network for the image. Select the image(s) and click Open and they will be uploaded to the Image Manager. Select the image(s) and click Ok
      (you cannot bulk upload images, they must be selected one at a time)
    2. To change an image using an existing photo (i.e. one already uploaded and held in the Image Manager), select the relevant image amongst the folder directory and click Ok. The existing image will automatically update with the new one
  9. When you've finished, click Save And Close


When uploading images, please ensure they follow the below specification:

  • Max Filesize: 10.00 mb


Related articles:

Using images in a Slideshow

Moving or Deleting a webpage image

Cropping and changing the size of webpage images

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