Editing or Deleting a News article

You can easily edit and delete news articles that display on your website.

This article includes: 

Editing a News article

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within News, click Edit News
  3. From here, you can view, add, edit, or remove news posts. Click the edit icon alongside the article you wish to amend
  4. Ensure you are on the Actions tab and click Edit
  5. Make any revisions to the Article Details fields, as required
  6. When you've finished, click Save & Preview


Deleting a News article

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within News, click Edit News
  3. From here, you can view, add, edit, or remove news posts. Click the edit icon alongside the article you wish to delete
  4. Ensure you are on the Actions tab and click Remove
  5. A message appears, confirming if you wish to delete this item. Click Yes
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