You can update your Staff profiles with new profiles for when you have new starters join your branch, and then display your team on your website.
- Log into EstateWeb
- Within Your Staff, click Edit Staff
- From here, you can view, add, edit, or delete profiles. Click Add Profile to add a new staff profile
- Populate all the Profile Details and Contact Details fields
(Adding an Email address will enable the staff member to be emailed from the 'staff/meet the team' page of your website) - Tick Enabled
- Add in a Staff Bio. This text will appear when hovering over the image of the staff member on the 'staff/meet the team' page of your website
To avoid any formatting issues, we advise that you don't copy and paste text from a Word document. Either free type the text into the text box, or, copy and paste the text into Notepad before you paste it into the text box
- Upload a Profile Image of the staff member
- Click Choose Image To Upload
- Click Choose file to browse your computer or network for the image
- Select the image and click Open
- Click Upload
When uploading an image, please ensure they follow the below specification:
- Ensure all staff images are a consistent size and dimension. You can do this through tools such as Paint
For more information on Changing the size of a staff profile image, click here - Max Filesize: 1 mb
- Ensure all staff images are a consistent size and dimension. You can do this through tools such as Paint
- Upload the staff members CV, if required
- When you've finished, click Save
- On your list of Staff profiles, you can re-order the different profiles based on how you want them to appear. Click, drag and drop a staff profile to re-order it