Adding a new staff profile

You can update your Staff profiles with new profiles for when you have new starters join your branch, and then display your team on your website.

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Your Staff, click Edit Staff
  3. From here, you can view, add, edit, or delete profiles. Click Add Profile to add a new staff profile
  4. Populate all the Profile Details and Contact Details fields
    (Adding an Email address will enable the staff member to be emailed from the 'staff/meet the team' page of your website)
  5. Tick Enabled
  6. Add in a Staff Bio. This text will appear when hovering over the image of the staff member on the 'staff/meet the team' page of your website


    To avoid any formatting issues, we advise that you don't copy and paste text from a Word document. Either free type the text into the text box, or, copy and paste the text into Notepad before you paste it into the text box

  7. Upload a Profile Image of the staff member
    1. Click Choose Image To Upload
    2. Click Choose file to browse your computer or network for the image
    3. Select the image and click Open
    4. Click Upload


      When uploading an image, please ensure they follow the below specification:

      • Ensure all staff images are a consistent size and dimension. You can do this through tools such as Paint
        For more information on Changing the size of a staff profile image, click here
      • Max Filesize: 1 mb
  8. Upload the staff members CV, if required
  9. When you've finished, click Save
    1. On your list of Staff profiles, you can re-order the different profiles based on how you want them to appear. Click, drag and drop a staff profile to re-order it


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