Adding Featured Properties

If you have compatible bridge software, you'll have the choice of linking your Featured Properties to your property software, or, controlling them through EstateWeb.


Where bridge software is not available, please contact Support. Click Submit a request and complete the contact form, asking to be set up so you can control it through EstateWeb

In EstateWeb, within your Property List, you can view a list of properties (Residential, Commercial, Lettings) that are available on your website, and select them to be Featured, as well as view which properties are already Featured. This means they will display front and centre on the homepage, providing there's an area that can accommodate them.

To add a Featured Property:

  1. Log into EstateWeb
  2. Within Property List, click Edit Properties
  3. From here, you can view and select which specific properties are set and displayed as Featured
    1. If you've been configured to pull Featured Properties from your property software, you won't need to make any changes here. Any changes made in EstateWeb will be overwritten by the feed from your software
    2. If you've been set up to manually set Featured Properties, tick or untick properties that you want to be Featured or not
  4. Click X to close the window (there is no save option)


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