How do I stay safe online?

We continuously work to maintain and improve our website security and service to our partners.

This article is designed to help increase your awareness on how you can keep your personal details safe and identify some common fraudulent behaviour.

This article includes: 

Spotting an attempt at phishing

Phishing is a term that references efforts by a fraudster to obtain confidential or personal information such as usernames and passwords, by sending emails or texts that look genuine but link out to fake unsecure sites. Once the information is obtained, these details are later used to gain access to your systems. 

  • Check the URL - Is it a secure website
    An 'https' at the start of the URL in your browser and a padlock indicates that your connection is secure and the information you send is kept private. If the browser states 'Not secure' and/or has an unlocked key icon appearing next to the URL, your connection is not private and any personal details you enter or send can be intercepted
  • Unusual contacts - Emails from an unknown source or unexpected email address
    Emails that appear to have been sent by entities known to you could be fraudulent if the sender has attempted to mimic an email address, brand or name.  If the sender seems different from what you had expected, it may be a phishing attempt.  Never open emails which you suspect are fraudulent


    Zoopla Property Division emails will only ever come from,, or

  • Urgent subject lines
    Emails with a subject line meant to cause alarm, i.e. 'Security Alert' or 'Your account may be suspended’ can be an attempt to convince you to act straight away in securing your account or changing your login details. Acting on this urgency by clicking links in the email could expose you to fake websites, or keylogging software that can monitor what keys you press and record password entries. Never open emails or click on links which you suspect are fraudulent
  • Requests for personal and private information
    Be wary of any company that emails asking you for usernames, passwords, verification codes or other secure data. This is unusual behaviour and likely an attempt at phishing
  • Web pages or links with odd URLs / addresses
    Malicious websites may look identical to legitimate sites but the underlying address or URL may use a variation in spelling or a different domain, i.e. rather than ending with, it might have
    • When viewing an email,  hover over hyperlinks (or buttons) to see the underlying website address
    • If in doubt, don't follow the link, rather, access your accounts in the usual way such as manually typing the address in the search bar or by using Google


  • If you think you may have entered your details on a scam site, change your password immediately. We also recommend you report it, as well as any other suspicious and fraudulent emails in the UK to Action Fraud
  • If you entered any banking details, monitor your bank account for any unauthorised transactions and contact your bank. They will be able to provide support and outline the best course of action to take

Reporting suspicious communications

If you have received an email which is cause for concern, or it contains something you don't recognise:

  • Do not click on any links contained in the email
  • Do not reply to the email
  • Do not download any attachments contained in the email

You can report suspicious emails in the UK to Action Fraud.

In addition, you can contact our Support team. Click Submit a request below and complete the contact form.

Related articles:

How to manage your passwords effectively

Understanding premium rate phone number scams

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