Changing the size of a staff profile image

Your individual Staff profiles may have a Profile Image attached to them, giving a more personal touch to who the members of your team are. This in turn, displays on your website.

When uploading a Profile Image, we ask you ensure they follow the below specification:

  • Ensure all staff images are a consistent size and dimension. You can do this through tools such as Paint
  • Max Filesize: 1 mb

The steps below outline how you can edit the size of an image, in order to keep it consistent with other profile images. 


We recommend using Paint on your PC. However, this is a Microsoft product and therefore cannot be supported by TechnicWeb Support

  1. Locate the image file of the staff member on your computer or network
  2. Right click on the image, hover over Open with, and click Paint
    1. Alternatively, you can open Paint from your Start menu and then open the image via File and Open
  3. With the image open and on display, on the Home tab and within the Image section, click Resize
  4. You can either resize by Percentage or Pixels (Pixels is usually easier if you know the size of your other staff profile images)
  5. Maintain aspect ratio allows you to change either horizontal or vertical without having the change disproportionally affect the other. You might prefer to untick this and manually type in the pixel sizes
  6. Click Ok when done
    1. If the image needs cropping, on the Home tab and within the Image section, instead of Resize, click Select
    2. Select the area you want to crop using the small, outer squares and click Crop
  7. Once you've finished resizing and/or cropping, click File
  8. Click Save as
  9. Enter a different File name for the image. This ensures that you'll have the original image if ever you need to use it again
  10. Select what format to save the image as from within the Save as type dropdown
    For more information on Permitted file extensions, click here
  11. Click Save

Related articles:

Adding a new staff profile

Editing or Deleting a staff profile

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